The Elephant
Aired 9/18/06 The Elephant 
The utter absurdity of Iraq's Mujhadeen Sura council issuing a proclaimation calling for the destruction of anybody who did not convert to Islam -- over somebody quoting somebody criticizing islam for spreading itself by the sword -- was just overwhelming.
But it is wrong (including being wrong in the 14th century) to treat that as some sort of muslim problem. Every major religion has had some ugly examples of its followers using it to justify killing people. (Northern Ireland anybody?) The only contrary example among the major religions that I can think of is Buddism (for which +1 to the cross-legged guys). The use of religion to rationalize murder and violence is something which every faith should address rather than treating like the elephant in the room.
Tags: Religion, media, Pope Benedict, islam, politics, podcast

The utter absurdity of Iraq's Mujhadeen Sura council issuing a proclaimation calling for the destruction of anybody who did not convert to Islam -- over somebody quoting somebody criticizing islam for spreading itself by the sword -- was just overwhelming.
But it is wrong (including being wrong in the 14th century) to treat that as some sort of muslim problem. Every major religion has had some ugly examples of its followers using it to justify killing people. (Northern Ireland anybody?) The only contrary example among the major religions that I can think of is Buddism (for which +1 to the cross-legged guys). The use of religion to rationalize murder and violence is something which every faith should address rather than treating like the elephant in the room.
Tags: Religion, media, Pope Benedict, islam, politics, podcast
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