The New Dominoes
Aired9/4/06 The New Dominoes 
With Presidnet Bush outlining the scarry scenarioes of what would happen in Iraq it reminded me of a lot of the old Domino Theory that surrounded much of the reasoning of those who felt that we had to stay in Vietnam: That if vietnam fell one after another other country would follow until it would be just the US alone in the free world. Actually this whole situation sounds more and more like Vietnam every day, including how much President Bush's program of Iraqis 'standing up' sounds like Vietnamization and how the people are not so much losing their nerve to fight communism (terrorists) but that the war is being seen as a distraction and waste.

With Presidnet Bush outlining the scarry scenarioes of what would happen in Iraq it reminded me of a lot of the old Domino Theory that surrounded much of the reasoning of those who felt that we had to stay in Vietnam: That if vietnam fell one after another other country would follow until it would be just the US alone in the free world. Actually this whole situation sounds more and more like Vietnam every day, including how much President Bush's program of Iraqis 'standing up' sounds like Vietnamization and how the people are not so much losing their nerve to fight communism (terrorists) but that the war is being seen as a distraction and waste.
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