Aired 7/7/06 The Boys are All Right
It is fun having something on a story that nobody else has. In doing an analysis/commentary series that usually counts as having a new viewpoint, but in this case it actually meant having content that nobody else had.
The story of the Chino Boy Scouts that caught the arsonist and put out the fire had the kind of cute quirkyness that quickly spreads around the net in odd news feeds and sites like I am told that it even got a comment on Letterman that night.
But the Scouts themselves were nowhere to be found. I found that sort of a pity because folks should get a chance to get their moment in the sun when they've earned it. Fortunately I had a contact with some of these boys. Also by talking with the boys I was able to get the facts a bit straighter than the other coverage.
For example the arsonist did not have to be chased far and was mostly restrained by the adults present. The boy's primary actions were taking care of the fire itself before any serious damage was done. They were a bit annoyed that the newspapers said that thirteen firefighters had put out the fire when they were clear (with the kind of certainty that comes from having been taught the rules of how to be sure that a campfire is completly out) that it was done when the fire truck arrived.